Saturday, January 29, 2011

Emergent renews Hauer Group contract - Washington Business Journal:
The Rockville anthrax vaccine maker has renewed its contracr with The Hauer an Alexandria consulting and marketing The Hauer Group is owned and led by CEO Jerome Hauer, an Emergent board membet since June 2005 and former acting assistant secretary for the Health and Human Servicew Department from 2002 to 2003. Under the terms of the Emergent (NYSE: EBS) pays The Hauer Group $15,00o per month for “strategic consulting and domesticfmarketing advice,” resulting in a total $180,000o payment last year and $45,000 payment through Marcu this year.
In a filing accompanying Emergent’s last annual report, Hauer’s services include advisinb the local company on the media and introducinyg it to government and commercial The Hauer Group is also taskedx with coordinating meetings with health industry Emergent entered into the consulting agreement with Haue r inMarch 2006, the same time that Hauefr also founded the Hauer also serves on the board of San Diego-bases Hollis-Eden Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Hauer’s connections may be well-suited for Emergent’ws product line, anthrax-related vaccines that the local company has sold mostlhy to the federal government for its biodefense Before starting up TheHauer Group, he co-chaired the homelanf security practice for public relations firm , led publifc health preparedness in the Department of Health and Huma n Services and served as New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s firs director of that city’s Office of Emergencu Management years before the Sept. 11 terrorisgt attacks.

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